8 Multivariate Gaussian HMM

Multivariate Gaussian HMMs with TMB is a direct generalization of the univariate case from the previous section. We focus on the main differences. Most notably, distribution parameters are changed from Normal mean vectors to matrices and we now have one covariance matrix for each state. For the implementation, the main change is for the density function to go from dnorm to dmvnorm (and the random data generation functions from rnorm to rmvnorm for simulations) from the mvtnorm (Genz et al. 2021) package.

Many functions available in functions/norm_utils.R have been adapted with the changes described for the multivariate Gaussian case in functions/mvnorm_utils.R.

As an example, the function to generate random data becomes

# Generate a random sample from a HMM
mvnorm.HMM.generate.sample  <- function(ns, mod) {
  mvect <- 1:mod$m
  state <- numeric(ns)
  state[1] <- sample(mvect, 1, prob = mod$delta)
  for (i in 2:ns) {
    state[i] <- sample(mvect, 1, prob = mod$gamma[state[i - 1], ])
  x <- matrix(NA, nrow = ns, ncol = p)
  for (i in 1:ns) {
    x[i, ] <- rmvnorm(n = 1,
                      mean = mod$mu[state[i], ],
                      sigma = mod$sigma[, , state[i]])
  names(x) <- NULL
  return(list(data = x, state = state))

We detail below an example of the estimation of a two-state trivariate Gaussian HMM with TMB.

8.1 Dataset & Parameters

To avoid issues regarding the choice of data, we simulate our own.

Let two multivariate Gaussian distributions \(N({\boldsymbol\mu_1}, {\boldsymbol\Sigma_1})\) and \(N({\boldsymbol\mu_2}, {\boldsymbol\Sigma_2})\) be defined with (rather arbitrary) parameters as follows. \[\begin{equation*} {\boldsymbol\mu_1} = (6, 8, 9) \quad \text{and } {\boldsymbol\mu_2} = (1, 2, 3) \end{equation*}\]

\[\begin{equation*} {\boldsymbol\Sigma_1} = \begin{pmatrix} 1.0 & 0.5 & 0.5\\ 0.5 & 1.0 & 0.5\\ 0.5 & 0.5 & 1.0 \end{pmatrix} \quad \text{ and } {\boldsymbol\Sigma_2} = \begin{pmatrix} 2.0 & 1.5 & 1.5\\ 1.5 & 2.0 & 1.5\\ 1.5 & 1.5 & 2.0 \end{pmatrix}. \end{equation*}\]

Let us consider a stationary Markov chain with the following (also fairly random) TPM \[\begin{equation*} {\boldsymbol\Gamma} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.95 & 0.05\\ 0.15 & 0.85 \end{pmatrix}. \end{equation*}\]

We generate 1000 data with the function above.

8.2 Likelihood function

The Gaussian negative log-likelihood in TMB can be coded as

#include <TMB.hpp>
#include "../functions/mvnorm_utils.cpp"

// Likelihood for a multivariate normal hidden markov model. 
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
  // Data
  DATA_MATRIX(x);         // timeseries matrix (n rows * p cols)
  DATA_INTEGER(m);        // Number of states m
  // Parameters
  PARAMETER_MATRIX(tmu);         // mp conditional mu's (matrix: m rows, p columns)
  PARAMETER_MATRIX(tsigma);      // mp(p+1)/2 working parameters of covariance matrices (matrix: p(p+1)/2 rows, m columns)
  PARAMETER_VECTOR(tgamma);      // m(m-1) working parameters of TPM (vector: m*m-m columns)
  // Uncomment only when using a non-stationary distribution
  //PARAMETER_VECTOR(tdelta);    // m-1 working parameters (vector)
  // Load namespace which contains the multivariate distributions
  using namespace density;
  // Get number of covariates (p)
  int p = x.cols();
  // Transform working parameters to natural parameters:
  matrix<Type> mu = tmu.transpose(); // We need rows (for the emission probability matrix) but TMB only supports easy retrieval of columns
  matrix<Type> gamma = gamma_w2n(m, tgamma);
  array<Type> sigma = sigma_w2n(m, p, tsigma); // Construct m matrices of size p x p (array: p x p x m)
  // Construct stationary distribution
  vector<Type> delta = stat_dist(m, gamma);
  // If using a non-stationary distribution, use this instead
  //vector<Type> delta = delta_w2n(m, tdelta);
  // Get number of timesteps (n)
  int n = x.rows();
  // Evaluate conditional distribution: Put conditional
  // probabilities of observed x in n times m matrix
  // (one column for each state, one row for each datapoint):
  matrix<Type> emission_probs(n, m);
  matrix<Type> sigma_m(p, p);
  vector<Type> residual_vec(p);
  Type nll = 0;
  // Evaluate and store the conditional distributions column-wise
  bool NA_appears = false;
  for (int m_idx = 0; m_idx < m; m_idx++) {
    MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_dmvnorm(sigma.col(m_idx).matrix());
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      // Replace missing values (NA in R, NaN in C++) with 1
      NA_appears = false;
      for (int p_idx = 0; p_idx < p; p_idx++) {
        if (x(i, p_idx) != x(i, p_idx)) { // f != f returns true if and only if f is NaN.
          NA_appears = true;
      if (NA_appears) {
        emission_probs(i, m_idx) = 1;
      } else {
        // Fill the emission probability matrix
        residual_vec = vector<Type>(x.row(i));
        residual_vec -= vector<Type>(mu.col(m_idx));
        nll = neg_log_dmvnorm(residual_vec);
        // MVNORM_t returns the negative log-likelihood, we only want the likelihood
        emission_probs(i, m_idx) = exp(-nll);
  // Corresponds to (Zucchini et al., 2016, p 333)
  matrix<Type> foo, P;
  Type mllk, sumfoo, lscale;
  foo = (delta * vector<Type>(emission_probs.row(0))).matrix();
  sumfoo = foo.sum();
  lscale = log(sumfoo);
  foo /= sumfoo;
  for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    P = emission_probs.row(i - 1);
    foo = ((foo * gamma).array() * P.array()).matrix();
    sumfoo = foo.sum();
    lscale += log(sumfoo);
    foo /= sumfoo;
  mllk = -lscale;
  // Undo the transpose done at the beginning
  // Use adreport on variables for which we want standard errors
  // Variables we need for local decoding and in a convenient format
  return mllk;

and requires the following utility functions.

// Function transforming working parameters in initial distribution
// to natural parameters
template<class Type>
vector<Type> delta_w2n(int m, vector<Type> tdelta) {

  vector<Type> delta(m);
  vector<Type> foo(m);
  if (m == 1)
    return Type(1);
  // set first element to one.
  // Fill in the last m - 1 elements with working parameters
  // and take exponential
  foo << Type(1), tdelta.exp();

  // normalize
  delta = foo / foo.sum();

  return delta;

// Function transforming the working parameters in TPM to
// natural parameters (w2n)
template<class Type>
matrix<Type> gamma_w2n(int m, vector<Type> tgamma) {

  // Construct m x m identity matrix
  matrix<Type> gamma(m, m);
  if (m == 1)
    return gamma;

  // Fill offdiagonal elements with working parameters column-wise:
  int idx = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){
      if (j != i){
        // Fill gamma according to mapping and take exponential
        gamma(j, i) = tgamma.exp()(idx);
  // Normalize each row:
  vector<Type> cs = gamma.rowwise().sum();
  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) gamma.row(i) /= cs[i];

  return gamma;

// Function transforming the working parameters in the covariance matrices to
// natural parameters (w2n) (from row-wise upper triangle as a vector to
// the original covariance matrix)
template<class Type>
array<Type> sigma_w2n(int m, int p, matrix<Type> tsigma) {
  // Construct m matrices of size p x p (p x p x m array)
  array<Type> sigma_array(p, p, m);
  matrix<Type> temporary_matrix(p, p);
  matrix<Type> sigma_matrix(p, p);
  // Fill upper triangular elements with working parameters column-wise
  int idx;
  for (int m_idx = 0; m_idx < m; m_idx++) {
    idx = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) { // tsigma is filled column-wise from sigma
      for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
        // Fill sigma_array according to mapping, undo the log transformation
        if (i == j) {
          sigma_array(i, j, m_idx) = exp(tsigma(idx, m_idx));
        } else if (i < j) {
          // Fill sigma_array according to mapping
          sigma_array(i, j, m_idx) = tsigma(idx, m_idx);
        } else {
          sigma_array(i, j, m_idx) = 0;

    // Undo the Cholesky transformation
    sigma_matrix = sigma_array.col(m_idx).matrix(); // col() selects the last index, row() doesn't exist
    temporary_matrix = sigma_matrix.transpose() * sigma_matrix;
    sigma_array.col(m_idx) = temporary_matrix.array();
  return sigma_array;

// Function computing the stationary distribution of a Markov chain
template<class Type>
vector<Type> stat_dist(int m, matrix<Type> gamma) {
  // Construct stationary distribution
  matrix<Type> I(m, m);
  matrix<Type> U(m, m);
  matrix<Type> row1vec(1, m);
  U = U.setOnes();
  I = I.setIdentity();
  matrix<Type> A =  I - gamma + U;
  matrix<Type> Ainv = A.inverse();
  matrix<Type> deltamat = row1vec * Ainv;
  vector<Type> delta = deltamat.row(0);
  return delta;

8.3 Estimation

The estimation procedure is similar to before.

# Load packages and utility functions

# Compile and load the objective function for TMB
## [1] 0


# Two states
m <- 2
# Trivariate Normal distribution
p <- 3

# One row of means per state, one column per dimension of the data
mu <- matrix(c(6, 8, 9,
               1, 2, 3), nrow = m, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
# Two covariance matrices
sigma1 <- matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5,
                   0.5, 1.0, 0.5,
                   0.5, 0.5, 1.0), nrow = p, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)

sigma2 <- matrix(c(2.0, 1.5, 1.5,
                   1.5, 2.0, 1.5,
                   1.5, 1.5, 2.0), nrow = p, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
# We store them in an array for convenience, making them
# easily distinguishable at a glance when displayed
sigma <- array(c(sigma1, sigma2), dim = c(p, p, m))

gamma <- matrix(c(0.95, 0.05,
                  0.15, 0.85), byrow = TRUE, nrow = m, ncol = m)

# Similarly to the Poisson case, we can generate data.
# Here, we generate a trivariate Gaussian sample of size 1000.
mod <- list(m = m,
            mu = mu,
            sigma = sigma,
            gamma = gamma)
TMBdata <- mvnorm.HMM.generate.sample(1000, mod)

# Parameters & covariates for TMB
# TMB requires a list
TMB_data <- list(x = TMBdata$data,
                 m = m)
# TMB requires the parameters to be either vectors, matrices, or arrays.
# For simplicity, we pass the parameters as a list of vectors and matrices.
pw <- mvnorm.HMM.pn2pw(m = m, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, gamma = gamma)

# Estimation
obj_tmb <- MakeADFun(data = TMB_data,
                     parameters = pw,
                     DLL = "mvnorm_hmm",
                     silent = TRUE)
nlminb(start = obj_tmb$par,
       objective = obj_tmb$fn,
       gradient = obj_tmb$gr,
       hessian = obj_tmb$he)
## $par
##          tmu          tmu          tmu          tmu          tmu          tmu       tsigma 
##  5.979331886  1.105791929  7.974662650  2.016963286  9.034963083  3.069442564 -0.005278076 
##       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma 
##  0.470025716 -0.161247055  0.455150038  0.312012980 -0.218999355  0.306537527  1.029377442 
##       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tsigma       tgamma       tgamma 
## -0.038685928  0.977222514  0.440952661 -0.128765538 -1.852673335 -2.813032886 
## $objective
## [1] 4295.975
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $iterations
## [1] 5
## $evaluations
## function gradient 
##        6        5 
## $message
## [1] "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)"

8.4 Results

We show estimates and their standard errors. Note that the matrix results (for \({\boldsymbol\mu}\), \({\boldsymbol\delta}\), \({\boldsymbol\Gamma}\), and \({\boldsymbol\Sigma}\)) are displayed in a column-wise format. This can be verified by checking the more easily readable view of these estimates.

summary(sdreport(obj_tmb), "report")
##           Estimate   Std. Error
## mu    5.979332e+00 3.756368e-02
## mu    1.105792e+00 7.957753e-02
## mu    7.974663e+00 3.676989e-02
## mu    2.016963e+00 8.256826e-02
## mu    9.034963e+00 3.689365e-02
## mu    3.069443e+00 8.116536e-02
## sigma 9.894994e-01 5.285072e-02
## sigma 4.675514e-01 4.068925e-02
## sigma 4.527541e-01 4.048862e-02
## sigma 4.675514e-01 4.068925e-02
## sigma 9.452644e-01 5.066894e-02
## sigma 4.794808e-01 4.049568e-02
## sigma 4.527541e-01 4.048862e-02
## sigma 4.794808e-01 4.049568e-02
## sigma 9.498403e-01 5.124277e-02
## sigma 1.846100e+00 1.559273e-01
## sigma 1.398628e+00 1.430482e-01
## sigma 1.327764e+00 1.380429e-01
## sigma 1.398628e+00 1.430482e-01
## sigma 1.985164e+00 1.679836e-01
## sigma 1.430151e+00 1.455383e-01
## sigma 1.327764e+00 1.380429e-01
## sigma 1.430151e+00 1.455383e-01
## sigma 1.922361e+00 1.619135e-01
## gamma 9.433760e-01 8.707558e-03
## gamma 1.355593e-01 1.981831e-02
## gamma 5.662395e-02 8.707558e-03
## gamma 8.644407e-01 1.981831e-02
## delta 7.053648e-01 4.398108e-02
## delta 2.946352e-01 4.398108e-02
## mllk  4.295975e+03 3.549571e-13
# More readable estimates
report <- obj_tmb$report()
## $mu
##          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
## [1,] 5.979332 7.974663 9.034963
## [2,] 1.105792 2.016963 3.069443
## $sigma
## , , 1
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 0.9894994 0.4675514 0.4527541
## [2,] 0.4675514 0.9452644 0.4794808
## [3,] 0.4527541 0.4794808 0.9498403
## , , 2
##          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
## [1,] 1.846100 1.398628 1.327764
## [2,] 1.398628 1.985164 1.430151
## [3,] 1.327764 1.430151 1.922361
## $delta
## [1] 0.7055608 0.2944392
## $n
## [1] 1000
## $gamma
##           [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] 0.9434294 0.05657056
## [2,] 0.1355593 0.86444068
## $mllk
## [1] 4303.249

8.5 Bias

Since the data was simulated, the true parameters are known and the validity of the estimates can be checked. To do this, we look at the maximum absolute percentage difference between estimates and true values.

(report$mu - mu) / mu
##              [,1]         [,2]        [,3]
## [1,] -0.003444686 -0.003167169 0.003884787
## [2,]  0.105791929  0.008481643 0.023147521
(report$sigma - sigma) / sigma
## , , 1
##             [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
## [1,] -0.01050063 -0.06489716 -0.09449190
## [2,] -0.06489716 -0.05473563 -0.04103843
## [3,] -0.09449190 -0.04103843 -0.05015973
## , , 2
##             [,1]         [,2]        [,3]
## [1,] -0.07695023 -0.067581365 -0.11482373
## [2,] -0.06758137 -0.007418231 -0.04656629
## [3,] -0.11482373 -0.046566292 -0.03881965
(report$gamma - gamma) / gamma
##              [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] -0.006916378 0.13141118
## [2,] -0.096271185 0.01698903

Differences are at most in the order of 10% for values near 0. This is acceptable.