10 Local decoding confidence intervals
allows to retrieve standard errors for any quantity computed in C++
that is derived from parameters.
Therefore, we can derive CIs for quantities defined in [state-inference].
We compute CIs for smoothing probabilities of a Poisson and a Gaussian HMM.
10.1 Likelihood function (Poisson HMM)
We define the C++
code first, available in the file code/poi_hmm_smoothing.cpp and below.
Similarly to the R
code, we compute the log-forward and log-backward probabilities, derive smoothing probabilities, truncate them (optional), and return them with ADREPORT
We also produce the sequence of most likely states as a by-product using the variable ldecode
#include <TMB.hpp>
#include "../functions/utils.cpp"
// Likelihood for a poisson hidden markov model.
template<class Type>
<Type>::operator() ()
Type objective_function{
// Data
(x); // timeseries vector
DATA_VECTOR(m); // Number of states m
// Parameters
(tlambda); // conditional log_lambdas's
PARAMETER_VECTOR(tgamma); // m(m-1) working parameters of TPM
// Uncomment only when using a non-stationary distribution
//PARAMETER_VECTOR(tdelta); // transformed stationary distribution,
// Transform working parameters to natural parameters:
<Type> lambda = tlambda.exp();
vector<Type> gamma = gamma_w2n(m, tgamma);
// Construct stationary distribution
<Type> delta = stat_dist(m, gamma);
vector// If using a non-stationary distribution, use this instead
//vector<Type> delta = delta_w2n(m, tdelta);
// Get number of timesteps (n)
int n = x.size();
// Evaluate conditional distribution: Put conditional
// probabilities of observed x in n times m matrix
// (one column for each state, one row for each datapoint):
<Type> emission_probs(n, m);
matrix<Type> row1vec(1, m);
row1vecfor (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (x[i] != x[i]) { // f != f returns true if and only if f is NaN.
// Replace missing values (NA in R, NaN in C++) with 1
.row(i) = row1vec;
else {
.row(i) = dpois(x[i], lambda, false);
// Corresponds to (Zucchini et al., 2016, p 333)
// temp is used in the computation of log-backward probabilities
<Type> foo, P, temp;
matrix, sumfoo, lscale;
Type mllk
// Log-forward and log-backward probabilities
<Type> lalpha(m, n);
matrix<Type> lbeta(m, n);
//// Log-forward probabilities (scaling used) and nll computation
foo// foo is a matrix where only the first column is relevant (vectors are
// treated as columns)
// Specifying "row(0)" or "col(0)" is optional, but it helps to remember
// if it is a row or a column
= (delta * vector<Type>(emission_probs.row(0))).matrix();
foo = foo.col(0).sum();
sumfoo = log(sumfoo);
lscale // foo = foo.transpose(); is not reliable because of
// aliasing, c.f https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TopicAliasing.html
foo// foo is now a matrix where only the first row is relevant.
.row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo// We can alternatively use foo.row(0).array().log()
.col(0) = vector<Type>(foo.row(0)).log() + lscale;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
= emission_probs.row(i - 1);
P = ((foo * gamma).array() * P.array()).matrix();
foo = foo.row(0).sum();
sumfoo += log(sumfoo);
lscale .row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo.col(i - 1) = vector<Type>(foo.row(0)).log() + lscale;
= -lscale;
//// Log-backward probabilities (scaling used)
lbeta// "Type(m)" is used because of a similar issue at
// https://kaskr.github.io/adcomp/_book/Errors.html#missing-casts-for-vectorized-functions
.row(0).setConstant(1 / Type(m));
foo= log(m);
lscale for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
= emission_probs.row(i);
P = (P.array() * foo.array()).matrix(); // temp is a row matrix
temp // temp must be a column for the matrix product below
temp= gamma * temp;
foo .col(i - 1) = foo.col(0).array().log() + lscale;
lbeta// "foo" is a column, but must be turned into a row in order to do
// the element-wise product above ("P.array() * foo.array()")
foo= foo.row(0).sum();
sumfoo .row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo+= log(sumfoo);
lscale }
//// Local decoding (part 1)
<Type> smoothing_probs(m, n);
smoothing_probs= - mllk;
Type llk for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
if (x[i] != x[i]) {
// Missing data will get a smoothing probability of NA
smoothing_probs} else {
.col(i) = ((lalpha.col(i) + lbeta.col(i)).array() - llk).exp();
// Local decoding (part 2)
<Type> ldecode(n);
vectorint col_idx;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__QuickRefPage.html
// we don't save the result because we are not interested in the max value
// only the index
smoothing_probs// Columns start from 1 in R, but from 0 in C++ so we adjust to be similar
// to R results.
(i) = col_idx + 1;
// Use adreport on variables for which we want standard errors
// Be careful, matrices are read column-wise and displayed (like
// the rest) as part of one vector
// Variables we need for local decoding and in a convenient format
return mllk;
10.2 Estimation
In R
, we can use the C++
objective function with TMB
to return smoothing probabilities.
Note that they are returned column-wise. For example, the first m
(here 2) values correspond to the smoothing probabilities of the first and second hidden state of the first data.
# Load TMB, the data set, and utility functions
TMB## [1] 0
<- 2
m <- tinn_data
# Setup initial parameters
<- seq(quantile(data_set, 0.1),
lambda quantile(data_set, 0.9),
length.out = m)
<- matrix(0.2 / (m - 1),
gamma nrow = m,
ncol = m)
diag(gamma) <- 0.8
<- stat.dist(gamma)
# Create the TMB objects for estimation
<- list(x = data_set, m = m)
TMB_data <- pois.HMM.pn2pw(m, lambda, gamma)
<- MakeADFun(data = TMB_data,
obj_tmb parameters = parameters,
DLL = "poi_hmm_smoothing",
silent = TRUE)
# Estimation
<- nlminb(start = obj_tmb$par, objective = obj_tmb$fn,
mod_tmb gradient = obj_tmb$gr, hessian = obj_tmb$he)
# Retrieve estimates
<- summary(sdreport(obj_tmb))
adrep <- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$lambda
lambda <- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$gamma
# We are interested only in the smoothing probabilities
<- adrep[rownames(adrep) == "smoothing_probs", ]
# We follow the notation of (Zucchini et al., 2016)
# One row per hidden state, one column per data
<- matrix(adrep[, "Estimate"], nrow = m)
smoothing_probs <- matrix(adrep[, "Std. Error"], nrow = m)
smoothing_probs_std_error # 95% confidence intervals
<- qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) q95_norm
10.3 Results
Next, we plot smoothing probabilities for each state along with their Wald-type CI.
# Aesthetic parameters used in the article
<- 0.2
POINT_SIZE <- 0.25
LINE_SIZE <- c("dodgerblue2", "tomato3", "green", "purple", "gold")
<- ncol(smoothing_probs)
## Plotting (with ggplot2)
<- list()
state_ggplot for (state in 1:m) {
# State smoothing probabilities
<- data.frame(idx = 1:n,
stateprobs estimate = smoothing_probs[state, ],
std.error = smoothing_probs_std_error[state, ])
# Add 95% CI bounds with cutoffs at 0 and 1
$ci_lower <- pmax(0, stateprobs$estimate - q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error)
stateprobs$ci_upper <- pmin(stateprobs$estimate + q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error, 1)
<- ggplot(stateprobs, aes(x = idx)) +
state_ggplot[[state]] geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper),
fill = "lightgrey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper,
color = COLORS[state],
show.legend = FALSE,
linewidth = ERRORBAR_LINE_WIDTH) +
geom_point(aes(y = estimate), size = POINT_SIZE, shape = 16) +
geom_line(aes(y = estimate), linewidth = LINE_SIZE) +
ggtitle(bquote("State" ~ .(state) * "," ~ widehat(lambda) ~ "=" ~ .(round(lambda[state], 2)))) +
theme_Publication() + # Custom defined function, this is optional
ylim(0, 1) +
xlab("") +
<- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$ldecode
ldecode <- c()
ldecode_estimates <- c()
ldecode_std.errors for (i in 1:n) {
<- smoothing_probs[ldecode[i], i]
ldecode_estimates[i] <- smoothing_probs_std_error[ldecode[i], i]
}<- data.frame(idx = 1:n,
stateprobs estimate = ldecode_estimates,
std.error = ldecode_std.errors,
state = as.factor(ldecode))
$ci_lower <- pmax(0, stateprobs$estimate - q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error)
stateprobs$ci_upper <- pmin(stateprobs$estimate + q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error, 1)
<- ggplot(stateprobs, aes(x = idx)) +
state_likely_ggplot geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper),
fill = "lightgrey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper,
color = state),
show.legend = FALSE,
linewidth = ERRORBAR_LINE_WIDTH) +
geom_point(aes(y = estimate), size = POINT_SIZE) +
geom_line(aes(y = estimate), linewidth = LINE_SIZE) +
scale_color_manual(values = COLORS[1:m], breaks = 1:m) +
ggtitle("Most likely states") +
theme_Publication() + # Custom defined function, this is optional
xlab("Time (days)") +
ylab("Probability") +
ylim(0, 1)
# Display the graphs in one figure
ggarrange(ggarrange(plotlist = state_ggplot,
ncol = 2, nrow = ceiling(m/2)),
state_likely_ggplot,ncol = 1, nrow = 2)
10.4 Limitation
The TYT data set used above is short and does not pose computing issues.
However, with a larger set, retrieving the standard errors of the smoothing probabilities becomes time-consuming and can take days or weeks depending on the dataamount of data, as the delta method is applied repeatedly when these errors are retrieved via summary(sdreport(obj_tmb))
A solution to this problem is to truncate the smoothing probability matrix before it is returned by TMB
, in the objective function defined above.
An example of what the function can be is in the file code/poi_hmm_smoothing_truncated.cpp and below.
#include <TMB.hpp>
#include "../functions/utils.cpp"
// Likelihood for a poisson hidden markov model.
template<class Type>
<Type>::operator() ()
Type objective_function{
// Data
(x); // timeseries vector
DATA_VECTOR(m); // Number of states m
DATA_INTEGER// With a large data set, there are too many smoothing probabilities to return
// So we truncate them.
// They are returned as a block of m rows and (size of data set) columns
// The Eigen library lets us crop that block and return a sub-matrix
// DATA_INTEGER does not allow for NA, but DATA_SCALAR does, so we use it
(start_row); // The crop will start with this row index
DATA_SCALAR(start_col); // The crop will start with this column index
DATA_SCALAR(nb_rows); // The crop will take this many rows
DATA_SCALAR(nb_cols); // The crop will take this many columns
// Use DATA_UPDATE to adjust the submatrix dimension without reestimating
// c.f. https://kaskr.github.io/adcomp/group__macros.html#ga3a3716228d46fbe32e23856b2f53be8d
// Parameters
(tlambda); // conditional log_lambdas's
PARAMETER_VECTOR(tgamma); // m(m-1) working parameters of TPM
// Uncomment only when using a non-stationary distribution
//PARAMETER_VECTOR(tdelta); // transformed stationary distribution,
// Transform working parameters to natural parameters:
<Type> lambda = tlambda.exp();
vector<Type> gamma = gamma_w2n(m, tgamma);
// Construct stationary distribution
<Type> delta = stat_dist(m, gamma);
vector// If using a non-stationary distribution, use this instead
//vector<Type> delta = delta_w2n(m, tdelta);
// Get number of timesteps (n)
int n = x.size();
// Are any of these smoothing matrix parameters NA? If yes, set them to the maximum
int int_start_row, int_start_col, int_nb_rows, int_nb_cols;
if (start_row != start_row or start_col != start_col or nb_rows != nb_rows or nb_cols != nb_cols) {
= 0;
int_start_row = 0;
int_start_col = m;
int_nb_rows = n;
int_nb_cols } else {
= CppAD::Integer(start_row);
int_start_row = CppAD::Integer(start_col);
int_start_col = CppAD::Integer(nb_rows);
int_nb_rows = CppAD::Integer(nb_cols);
int_nb_cols }
// Evaluate conditional distribution: Put conditional
// probabilities of observed x in n times m matrix
// (one column for each state, one row for each datapoint):
<Type> emission_probs(n, m);
matrix<Type> row1vec(1, m);
row1vecfor (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (x[i] != x[i]) { // f != f returns true if and only if f is NaN.
// Replace missing values (NA in R, NaN in C++) with 1
.row(i) = row1vec;
else {
.row(i) = dpois(x[i], lambda, false);
// Corresponds to (Zucchini et al., 2016, p 333)
// temp is used in the computation of log-backward probabilities
<Type> foo, P, temp;
matrix, sumfoo, lscale;
Type mllk
// Log-forward and log-backward probabilities
<Type> lalpha(m, n);
matrix<Type> lbeta(m, n);
//// Log-forward probabilities (scaling used) and nll computation
foo// foo is a matrix where only the first column is relevant (vectors are
// treated as columns)
// Specifying "row(0)" or "col(0)" is optional, but it helps to remember
// if it is a row or a column
= (delta * vector<Type>(emission_probs.row(0))).matrix();
foo = foo.col(0).sum();
sumfoo = log(sumfoo);
lscale // foo = foo.transpose(); is not reliable because of
// aliasing, c.f https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TopicAliasing.html
foo// foo is now a matrix where only the first row is relevant.
.row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo// We can alternatively use foo.row(0).array().log()
.col(0) = vector<Type>(foo.row(0)).log() + lscale;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
= emission_probs.row(i - 1);
P = ((foo * gamma).array() * P.array()).matrix();
foo = foo.row(0).sum();
sumfoo += log(sumfoo);
lscale .row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo.col(i - 1) = vector<Type>(foo.row(0)).log() + lscale;
= -lscale;
//// Log-backward probabilities (scaling used)
lbeta// "Type(m)" is used because of a similar issue at
// https://kaskr.github.io/adcomp/_book/Errors.html#missing-casts-for-vectorized-functions
.row(0).setConstant(1 / Type(m));
foo= log(m);
lscale for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
= emission_probs.row(i);
P = (P.array() * foo.array()).matrix(); // temp is a row matrix
temp // temp must be a column for the matrix product below
temp= gamma * temp;
foo .col(i - 1) = foo.col(0).array().log() + lscale;
lbeta// "foo" is a column, but must be turned into a row in order to do
// the element-wise product above ("P.array() * foo.array()")
foo= foo.row(0).sum();
sumfoo .row(0) /= sumfoo;
foo+= log(sumfoo);
lscale }
//// Local decoding (part 1)
<Type> smoothing_probs(m, n);
matrix= - mllk;
Type llk for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
if (x[i] != x[i]) {
// Missing data will get a smoothing probability of NA
smoothing_probs} else {
.col(i) = ((lalpha.col(i) + lbeta.col(i)).array() - llk).exp();
// If there is a large amount of values in smoothing_probs due to e.g. a large
// amount of data, retrieving submatrices is faster
// https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__QuickRefPage.html
// block starting at (start_row, start_col) taking nb_rows rows and nb_cols cols
// If any submatrix parameters are NA, return the entire matrix
// f != f returns true if and only if f is NaN (NA in R, NaN in C++).
<Type> truncated_smoothing_probs;
matrix= smoothing_probs.block(int_start_row,
truncated_smoothing_probs ,
// Local decoding (part 2)
<Type> ldecode(int_nb_cols);
vectorint col_idx;
for (int i = int_start_row; i < int_start_row + int_nb_cols; i++) {
// If the data is missing, set the state to -1
if (x[i] != x[i]) {
(i) = x[i];
ldecode} else {
// https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__QuickRefPage.html
// we don't save the result because we are not interested in the max value
// only the index
truncated_smoothing_probs// Columns start from 1 in R, but from 0 in C++ so we adjust to be similar
// to R results.
(i) = col_idx + 1;
// Use adreport on variables for which we want standard errors
// Be careful, matrices are read column-wise and displayed (like
// the rest) as part of one vector
// Variables we need for local decoding and in a convenient format
REPORT// REPORT(emission_probs);
// REPORT(lalpha);
// REPORT(lbeta);
// REPORT(smoothing_probs);
// REPORT(truncated_smoothing_probs);
return mllk;
It is important to note that the values start_row
, start_col
, nb_rows
, and nb_cols
cam be set to NA
to retrieve the .
They serve to truncate the amount of smoothing probabilities returned, as there are one per combination of data point and hidden state. With 2000 data and 5 hidden states, there will be 10000 smoothing probabilities in a 5 x 2000 matrix.
If needed, one can return all smoothing probabilities by estimating the HMM multiple times and returning each time a different block of the matrix of smoothing probabilities, then aggregating these blocks.
To make use of this, in R
, we need to load the modified likelihood function stored in
Then, the TMB_data
object can be defined as
<- list(x = data_set, m = m,
TMB_data start_row = 0,
start_col = 0,
nb_rows = m,
nb_cols = length(data_set))
<- list(x = data_set, m = m,
TMB_data start_row = NA,
start_col = NA,
nb_rows = NA,
nb_cols = NA)
and the same smoothing probabilities will be returned as above.
Returning truncated smoothing probabilities can be done as follows
<- list(x = data_set, m = m,
TMB_data start_row = 0, # C++ indexes at 0, unlike R which indexes from 1. Be careful.
start_col = 50, # C++ indexes at 0, unlike R which indexes from 1. Be careful.
nb_rows = m,
nb_cols = 30)
. This returns the \(m\) smoothing probabilities associated with data points 51, 52, \(\ldots\), 80.
Remember the updated name of the returned smoothing probabilities from smoothing_probs
to truncated_stateprobs
for clarity. This will be reflected in the row names of summary(sdreport(obj_tmb))
Let us show this in action and plot these probabilities as above. We first build the model and retrieve the estimates.
# Load TMB, the data set, and utility functions
TMB## [1] 0
<- 2
m <- tinn_data
# Setup initial parameters
<- seq(quantile(data_set, 0.1),
lambda quantile(data_set, 0.9),
length.out = m)
<- matrix(0.2 / (m - 1),
gamma nrow = m,
ncol = m)
diag(gamma) <- 0.8
<- stat.dist(gamma)
# Create the TMB objects for estimation
<- list(x = data_set, m = m,
TMB_data start_row = 0,
start_col = 50,
nb_rows = m,
nb_cols = 30)
<- pois.HMM.pn2pw(m, lambda, gamma)
<- MakeADFun(data = TMB_data,
obj_tmb parameters = parameters,
DLL = "poi_hmm_smoothing_truncated",
silent = TRUE)
# Estimation
<- nlminb(start = obj_tmb$par, objective = obj_tmb$fn,
mod_tmb gradient = obj_tmb$gr, hessian = obj_tmb$he)
# Retrieve estimates
<- summary(sdreport(obj_tmb))
adrep <- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$lambda
lambda <- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$gamma
# We are interested only in the smoothing probabilities
<- adrep[rownames(adrep) == "truncated_smoothing_probs", ]
# We follow the notation of (Zucchini et al., 2016)
# One row per hidden state, one column per data
<- matrix(adrep[, "Estimate"], nrow = m)
smoothing_probs <- matrix(adrep[, "Std. Error"], nrow = m)
smoothing_probs_std_error # 95% confidence intervals
<- qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) q95_norm
Then we plot the smoothing probabilities and confidence intervals.
# Aesthetic parameters used in the article
<- 0.2
POINT_SIZE <- 0.25
LINE_SIZE <- c("dodgerblue2", "tomato3", "green", "purple", "gold")
<- ncol(smoothing_probs)
n <- 51:80
## Plotting (with ggplot2)
<- list()
state_ggplot for (state in 1:m) {
# State smoothing probabilities
<- data.frame(idx = indices_to_plot,
stateprobs estimate = smoothing_probs[state, ],
std.error = smoothing_probs_std_error[state, ])
# Add 95% CI bounds with cutoffs at 0 and 1
$ci_lower <- pmax(0, stateprobs$estimate - q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error)
stateprobs$ci_upper <- pmin(stateprobs$estimate + q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error, 1)
<- ggplot(stateprobs, aes(x = idx)) +
state_ggplot[[state]] geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper),
fill = "lightgrey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper,
color = COLORS[state],
show.legend = FALSE,
linewidth = ERRORBAR_LINE_WIDTH) +
geom_point(aes(y = estimate), size = POINT_SIZE, shape = 16) +
geom_line(aes(y = estimate), linewidth = LINE_SIZE) +
ggtitle(bquote("State" ~ .(state) * "," ~ widehat(lambda) ~ "=" ~ .(round(lambda[state], 2)))) +
theme_Publication() +
ylim(0, 1) +
xlab("") +
<- obj_tmb$report(obj_tmb$env$last.par.best)$ldecode
ldecode <- c()
ldecode_estimates <- c()
ldecode_std.errors for (i in 1:n) {
<- smoothing_probs[ldecode[i], i]
ldecode_estimates[i] <- smoothing_probs_std_error[ldecode[i], i]
}<- data.frame(idx = indices_to_plot,
stateprobs estimate = ldecode_estimates,
std.error = ldecode_std.errors,
state = as.factor(ldecode))
$ci_lower <- pmax(0, stateprobs$estimate - q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error)
stateprobs$ci_upper <- pmin(stateprobs$estimate + q95_norm * stateprobs$std.error, 1)
<- ggplot(stateprobs, aes(x = idx)) +
state_likely_ggplot geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper),
fill = "lightgrey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ci_lower,
ymax = ci_upper,
color = state),
show.legend = FALSE,
linewidth = ERRORBAR_LINE_WIDTH) +
geom_point(aes(y = estimate), size = POINT_SIZE) +
geom_line(aes(y = estimate), linewidth = LINE_SIZE) +
scale_color_manual(values = COLORS[1:m], breaks = 1:m) +
ggtitle("Most likely states") +
theme_Publication() +
xlab("Time (days)") +
ylab("Probability") +
ylim(0, 1)
# Display the graphs in one figure
ggarrange(ggarrange(plotlist = state_ggplot,
ncol = 2, nrow = ceiling(m/2)),
state_likely_ggplot,ncol = 1, nrow = 2)